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SAT Preparation Program

At North Star Academy Laval, as student success is our priority, we continue to strive to open as many future educational doors to our students as possible and therefore now offer a part-time SAT Prep course. Globally recognized SAT testing is an incredible asset to undergraduate applicants and is in many cases necessary to secure students’ eligibility when entering universities outside of Canada.

Our 9-week Fall course is a perfect addition to our existing Grade 12 program or may also be suited for students taking a gap year pre-university and who would like to prepare themselves for the SAT on a part-time basis. Two half days a week, students benefit from individual or small group instruction live with professional tutors virtually, paired with additional guided study time monitored by an in-person academic mentor and advisor. Including all necessary books and accompanying study materials, our SAT Prep program is designed to ready students for the December test date in order to use their refined results for upcoming university application needs.


Two half days a week

  • Individual Session: $3,000
  • Small Group Session $2,000 (minimum 6 students)